Legislative Update
Posted over 5 years ago by ANPA Admin
Today was another tough day at the Capitol. We made it further in committee than we ever have before with a removal of collaborative practice bill. We lost with a tie receiving 10 Yes votes and 10 No votes. We are proud of all the work each of you have done with HB1282.
Our YES votes were:
Ladyman jackladyman@gmail.com
Miller Josh.miller@arkansashouse.org
Womack Richard@richardwomack.com
Payton John.payton@arkansashouse.org
Bentley mary.bentley@arkansashouse.org
Gonzales Justinrory@yahoo.com
Brown Karilyn.brown@arkahsashouse.org
Coleman bruce.coleman@arkansashouse.org
Penzo Clint.penzo@arkansashouse.org
Perry mperry@windstream.net
Please take the time to thank each one of them.
The NO votes were:
Wardlaw jeff@jeffwardlaw.com
Richey chris.richey@arkansashouse.org
Ken Ferguson Kenneth.Ferguson@arkansashouse.org
Love fjlove@att.net
Deborah Ferguson Debora.ferguson@arkansashouse.org
Magie Stephen.magie@arkansashouse.org
Johnson leemoj2020@gmail.com
Boyd Justin.boyd.pharm.d@gmail.com
McCollum Austin.mccollum@arkansashouse.org
Gray Michelle.gray@arkansashouse.org
Please take the time (especially if you are their constituent) to let them know how disappointed you are. Be sure to ask them why they voted the way they did.
All that being said, Representative Lundstrum has not given up on this bill and plans to re-run it. We need your help more than ever. PLEASE !!!! Continue to reach out to your legislators. Even if you do not get a response you are making a difference.
Today the schedule II bill passed with an amendment added by Representative Gonzales. I have not seen the amendment, but I will share it with you as soon as I see it. Representative Gonzales has decided not to run HB1284 (the Medicaid PCP bill). However, I believe legislators still need to know the importance of these issues in our state. So please share your feelings on this issue with you legislators.
HB1265 and HB1275 are deferred for now. These are bills to place APRNs under the Medical Board. I believe this deferment is related to your emails and calls to your legislators; keep up the good work. We will remain watchful to see what happens with these bills and keep you informed.
Thank you for all your help,
Karen Reynolds
ANPA Legislative Representative