The ANPA BOD is excited to partner with Arkansas State Board of Nursing (ASBON) as part of the ANPA Mission " support, educate, and enhance...
Posted in Arkansas State Board of Nursing
We streamlined access for our members to all of Dr. McKinney's responses here. Additionally, we organized certain answers into groups to address...
Posted in Arkansas State Board of Nursing
We streamlined access for our members to all of Dr. McKinney's responses here. Additionally, we organized certain answers into groups to address...
Posted in Arkansas State Board of Nursing
We are excited to connect with all who have registered to join us virtually today for another engaging Midday Mingle! At noon, we will host an open...
Next Thursday night join us for a great dinner presentation. An amazing Nurse Practitioner from San Francisco Naomi Jay, PhD, RN, NP, FAAN...
Posted in District Meeting
This week we have very similar questions that Dr. McKinney has answered. We streamlined access for our members to all of her responses here....
Posted in Arkansas State Board of Nursing
This year, once again, we are committed to educating legislators on Arkansas NP practice, and we need your help. We have some important legislation...
Posted in Legislation
We are thrilled to announce that Genie Milone is the recipient of the Winter ANPA Educational Grant! With so many incredible candidates, the...
Posted in Accolades and Achievements
This week we have two very similar questions that Dr. McKinney answered for us. Additionally, we have streamlined access for our members to all of...
Posted in Arkansas State Board of Nursing