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Membership Survey & Upcoming Office Nominations

Posted over 5 years ago

ANPA annual Board of Directors Nominations and Elections is right around the corner.  As we prepare to open nominations, we are asking our members to complete a short survey to let us know if we are meeting your needs and how we can improve.  Please take the time to complete the survey that is sent through our Survey Monkey (be sure to check the email used for your ANPA membership).  

Also, review the open position statements below for consideration of running or nominating a Nurse Practitioner for one of the positions.  Our members are important for our continued growth and expansion.  We need members who are willing to lead. 

We look forward to reviewing your survey answers and the upcoming nominations and elections!

2019 ANPA Open Positions

Duties of Officers

  • President-elect: The President-elect shall perform duties of the President in the absence of the President, shall be an active aid to the President, and become acquainted with the affairs of the ANPA in preparation for a term as President.
  • Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, Annual Meeting, General Meeting, and shall be custodian of the ANPA records. The Secretary shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law, and send notice of the time, place and location of all meetings to members. The Secretary shall keep an ongoing list of members ineligible for Board of Director positions as referenced in Article VI, Section 5 below, as well as all other documents.
  • Student Representative: The Student Representative shall represent NP students in Arkansas and be active in the recruitment of student memberships and shall maintain a list of all University and College Nurse practitioner programs, student groups, and contact information of each to serve as a liaison. The Student Representative shall also assist with a communication network between ANPA, the local Universities, and Colleges.

  • Members-a-Large: Member in good standing with ANPA will serve on the Board of Directors. Insofar as possible, the Members-at-Large shall reflect the membership in terms of geography, gender, racial diversity, area of NP certification, and professional experience. Members-at-Large shall endeavor to represent the membership, sharing responsibilities with officers to work on program planning, recruitment, retention, public relations, education, and public policy activities/issues.

  • District Representatives: District Representatives shall serve as ANPA Board of Director voting members, attend Board of Directors meetings, and coordinate District activities with ANPA.  District Representative shall reside or practice, a minimum of 75% of fulltime, in the district they represent. The District Representatives are elected to fill a two-year term by a majority vote of active district members residing within their specific district. District Representatives shall hold District meetings, no less than quarterly, at rotated locations throughout the districts. The District Representatives will keep and report meeting minutes to the ANPA Secretary and President within two weeks of meetings and report the budget to the Treasurer for Board of Director meetings a minimum of two week prior to the Board of Director meeting.

     Terms of Office

     The term for each position shall begin in September, immediately following election. The terms for President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, and Student Representative shall be one (1) year. Provided that the President-elect shall automatically succeed to the Presidency and the President shall automatically succeed to the immediate Past Presidency. The full individual commitment to the Presidency is three (3) years. The terms for Secretary, Members-at- Large, and District Representatives shall be two (2) years, Student Representative shall be one (1) year.