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Conference Vendor Early Bird Discount Extended

Posted over 2 years ago by ANPA Admin in Conference

Have you forgotten to register? Or just been too busy to register? You're in luck!  The Vendor EARLY BIRD registration for the 2022 Annual ANPA Spring Conference extended to February 16!

Join us at the Robinson Center in Little Rock, Arkansas for our two-day conference on April 1-2. Vendors will have access to our attendees April 1 with snacks and lunch served in the same space.  Historically, we have had approximately 200 APRNs from across the state attend this event.  This conference provides opportunity for direct contact in decision-making roles ranging from diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in primary care to intensive management of patients in the hospital. Additionally, this conference provides the setting for APRNs to explore employment opportunities, continued education, and product information giving you opportunity to communicate the value of your medication, product, or service in their practice. 

You can register on our website or email for more information.

We hope to see you in Little Rock on April 1!