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NP Week Friday Social Media Challenge Question.

Posted over 1 year ago in NP Week

There are so many interesting non-healthcare related fun facts about you guys! Who was your most memorable mentor as an NP (or NP student) and why? From Laura Bailey (LB as most of you know her), ANPA District 5 Representative: "My most memorable NP mentor was actually my MNSc adviser. 
Joan Tackett is everything I aspire to be in an NP. 
I am not the most patient person on the planet (for those of you that know me, insert eye roll here) and starting on my MNSc after being an ICU/ER nurse for 13 years really made that apparent.  I was having a very difficult time allowing myself "to be new in the nursing field" again. Joan handled my chronic agitation and short fuse like she handles her patients, with grace and a soft but firm hand.
I was so very frustrated that at the end of a semester, I walked away from the program and had no plans to go back. Joanie did not fuss at me, nor did she try to guilt me into staying. For the year I was out, she would occasionally text 'just to check on me.' After a ton of soul searching, I decided to go back. She welcomed me back like I had not ever left and helped me get back on track. 
I have a little more patience now and my fuse may be a tad longer than it used to be. I'm no Joanie Tackett, but I do try to emulate her when I precept student.
She's really the reason I'm here today
Thank you Joanie."
Thank you to ALL the NPs who came to the Governor Proclamation Photo yesterday. Pictures will be posted soon.