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News for NPs and use of the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP)

Posted over 8 years ago by ANPA Admin

Rules and regulations for ACT 1208 will be released sometime late this year, reinforcing the importance of using the Arkansas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) by all prescribers of scheduled drugs. Just over 50% of physicians and nurse practitioners in Arkansas are registered to use the program. To prepare for the upcoming requirements and changes, the Arkansas Nurse Practitioner Association is publishing this information to help our colleagues enroll and use the benefits of the Arkansas PMP. As these rules and regulations of ACT 1208 are released and new information becomes available, ANPA will bring updated information to our members.

Our dear Colleague, Diane Robertson, administrator of the PMP, has provided ANPA with the following directions for enrollment:

Diane encourages all nurse practitioners to register for access to the Arkansas Prescription Monitoring Program in order to monitor the use of controlled substances by their patients. They will also be able to check for fraudulent use of their DEA number through the Prescriber DEA Query.

Please follow the directions below in order to register for access to the Arkansas Prescription Monitoring Program:
Go to
Click on practitioner/pharmacist
Click on practitioner/pharmacist registration
Enter the temporary user name of new account and temporary password of welcome
Click ok and fill out the registration form that appears. You will receive two emails in response. One has your permanent User Name and the other provides another temporary password that you will be prompted to change. Follow the directions in order to complete your registration."

For additional information and assistance, you may reach out to:
Denise Robertson, P.D.
PMP Administrator
Arkansas Dept. of Health
Phone: 501-683-3960
Fax: 501-661-2769

Best Regards,
From your colleagues at the Arkansas Nurse Practitioner Association

To see ACT 1208 visit: