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Congratulations to Julia Ponder, our new AANP State Rep

Posted over 3 years ago in Accolades and Achievements


Julia Ponder

The ANPA would like to recognize Julia Ponder as our new AANP State Representative. Julia is our current immediate past-President of ANPA and has been a champion of growing the Association with her dedication to the conference committee, legislative committee, and webmaster committee.  She has played a vital role in each committee that has accelerated the quality and progress of ANPA.  She has a commitment level that goes beyond the call of duty.  She is a fearless leader that inspires those who know her and have the privilege of working with her.  We thank Julia for her many hours of dedication and diligence in making this Association a strong advocate for Arkansas NP's.  We look forward to your continued leadership at a national level with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.  Great job Julia!  You make us so proud.


Leonie Declerk over 3 years ago

So proud of you, Julia.

Samuel Nix over 3 years ago

Congratulations Julia!!!! Well deserved.

Carla Kraus over 3 years ago


Traci Motes over 3 years ago

You will do wonders! Congratulations my friend.

Julia Ponder over 3 years ago

Thank you all! I am excited to see what this adventure holds and how I can help Arkansas NPs through it.

Jane Brown over 3 years ago

Thank you! We are fortunate to have your leadership!

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